CCBC Position Statement on Sampling

Published September 25, 2023

Cannabis Sampling in British Columbia


Today the Liquor Control Regulation Board (LCRB) shared a bulletin outlining first phase details related to permissible cannabis sampling activities in the Province of British Columbia. Cannabis Cultivators of British Columbia (CCBC) are heartened by this announcement today and supports the future development of a formal sampling program in BC.

Allowing cannabis sampling gives producers the ability to showcase their product innovation and quality, ultimately giving retail partners the ability to make informed decisions about the products they intend to carry. Providing a regulated and controlled environment for cannabis sampling works to mitigate unauthorized sampling activities and builds consumer trust and engagement with licensed retailers carrying regulated product.


CCBC puts forward the following recommendations as the LCRB considers next phase recommendations to create a robust and industry-leading cannabis sampling program in BC. 

To ensure a responsible and compliant sampling program, we believe there are the following minimum requirements:

  1. Compliance with the Cannabis Act concerning packaging and reporting obligations.
  2. Sample products must adhere to Good Production Practices (GPP) standards.
  3. Tracking of sampling quantities through the Cannabis Tracking System (CTS), with a nominal dollar value of $0.01 included in sales reporting.
  4. Cannabis product samples must bear an excise stamp and be duty paid, based on a fair market value of the sample, which should be reported to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on the B300 form.

In addition to these requirements, CCBC recommends the adoption of the following features for a sampling program in British Columbia:

  • Sample sizes of up to 30g (or equivalent) to be provided to retail outlets, allowing for efficient distribution among store employees and minimizing excessive packaging waste.
    • Provision of cannabis samples before securing a licensing in British Columbia, provided the samples are GPP compliant. This will aid retailers in assessing product quality and features before the product becomes available for sale.
    • Exemption allowing compliant cannabis samples to be opened and reviewed in stores by retail licensees and licensed producers, facilitating informed discussions and decisions.
    • Mandatory labelling on product packaging stating “BC Cannabis Sample – not for resale” to ensure clarity and prevent misconceptions.
    • No additional tracking requirements beyond CTS reporting, minimizing administrative burden and streamlining the sampling process.
    • Authorization for License Holder employees or authorized agents to distribute compliant samples, direct from their own facility.
    • Permission to provide accompanying compliant marketing materials, such as strain cards, stickers and product information sheets, alongside the samples.


By adopting these proposed measures, British Columbia can foster a thriving cannabis industry that benefits both consumers and local businesses of all sizes. This approach will ensure compliance with regulations while providing a controlled environment for product sampling, ultimately boosting economic growth and consumer confidence.

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